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List of MultiSig Wallet Smart contracts on Ethereum
In this post, we are going to overview some verified implementations for MultiSig Wallet Smart contracts on Ethereum that you can use for your business.
I asume that you already have some basic knowledge about Ethereum and Smart contracts. If not you can start to learn here.
If you don’t know what is Multisig wallet, you can learn more about it here. Basically, it is a smart contract that implemented as a wallet to store your ETHER / Tokens where belonged to multiple owners, a transaction issued needs to be accepted by at least <requirements> (this number can be customized) owners to be proceeded
List of MultiSig Wallet Smart contracts
Here I will list some implementation for MultiSig Wallet that are verified and widely used. Please keep in mind that you shouldn’t change the implementation as the code is tested carefully to prevent any problem unless you really know what you are doing. Of course I can not guarantee that those smart contracts are 100% bug free as it is made by human anyway :) So always test everything carefully before deploy it to the mainnet.